Charles Lindberg’s thoughts about VES

Well maybe he wasn’t exactly referring to VES when he said this, but it certainly seems applicable.


1 thought on “Charles Lindberg’s thoughts about VES

  1. jeff says:

    We all know that firefighting is a dangerous job. In today’s fire service we no longer just face the risk of just fire duties but also communicable diseases, shootings, assaults and a host of other issues due to the expansion of services of EMS as well as the additional technical services we provide. It is essential that we continually train and educate ourselves to make the job safer. We must work to eliminate the part time job syndrome that is sweeping the nation as our lives depend on each and every member to know their job as well as devote 110 % to every scene. Charles Augustus Linbergh has made a great statement. As Truckmen we place ourselves in some of the most dangerous positions of any profession and we should all work on calculated risks and not take these foolish chances, inevitably there will always be some chances. Operating above a working fire is a dangerous position on any type of structure and any method of construction. However, we must remember the goal is to increase survivability of the civilians as well as the protection of our brother firemen with the reduction of flashover, backdraft, as well as increasing visibility due to release of smoke decreasing the chance of us getting lost. In the fire service it is a given that there are times that we must place ourselves in harms way for the safety of others that is why it is critical that we train as our lives depend on it. Through proper training we can make these situations somewhat safer, however, we will never eliminate all risks inherent to this profession. It is up to us to make a safer fire service which requires our time, commitment, and training. It is not always the responsibility of your agency to give you the time or even pay for you to attend it is up to you as a professional fireman with love for the job to be the best that you can be. The fire service is a way life, a passion, and a commitment that is held by few that have the honor of calling themselves firemen.

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