Chain Sleeve
Sometimes the simple things are the most effective. Augie Cardona from Lake Stevens (WA) Fire sent in this simple tip on storing spare saw chains. They simply cut a 8″ – 10″ section out of an old section of 1 3/4 hose. After removing the rubber liner, and duct taping the end, the hose sleeve becomes a great way to protect the spare chain.

19 thoughts on “Chain Sleeve

  1. pfd24 says:

    the uses of old hose is ENDLESS!!! they should start making turnout gear out of it?

  2. NFD252 says:

    Do you have any problems with the oil on the chains rubbing or being soaked off or oil soaking through the hose with out the rubber liners? Thanks

  3. EVFD515 says:

    We use 4″ supply line to cover the bars on our saws. The plastic covers get lost or broken all the time and the 4″ does a great job of covering the bar so it wont get damaged in the compartment.

  4. 13 Truck says:

    I ride a truck. I don’t touch hose unless I slap ’em!

  5. Gunther says:

    A pair of rubber med gloves should do the trick also!

  6. stone says:

    Really? just go get a chain off the truck already…

  7. Medic Superstar says:

    I dont get the med glove comments on everything we all know Truckies are to dumb to do medical calls. You show them were the tv and the dounuts are and they are good. Lets get pass the med gloves and leave it with the real heros and thats the engine crews and medics. but its a good idea thou good job.

  8. DMAN72 says:

    Medic Superstar, what are you new here?

  9. Keith102 says:

    Just like everything else in the fire service. You have to catch the newbies up to speed. Just let Medic Superstar donkey-kick the meter, then he should be good!

  10. Gunther says:

    ah medics…gotta love them. Medic Superstar I would like to see your PCR’s. With spelling like that you will get far. How are you a real “hero” if you can’t spell it right when using it in a plural form. This guy must be a medic in Dairyville. Oh ya, by the way, don’t forget to get your fishing license…you will need it when “fishing” for your poor patients veins!

  11. Medic Superstar says:

    hey dont beat me up for making a single comment about something. I did say it was a good idea keep them up. If my ego is to much for all you chiefs here im sorry but I though it was more geared for the crews. If i post something up again ill try make less offensive YOU CRY BABIES. Well all have a great and safe day. Im heading out to one of the busiest houses in the greater LA area were men are men not wine bags PEACE OUT Dairyville out o yea ill donkey kick something as well

  12. NinjaMedic says:

    Medic stop being a tool . . . from one of the busiest houses in Texas where medics are medics and not douche bags. PEACE OUT

    Can we get some forum moderation please? This site would be a much more educational experience without the trolls.

  13. Capt 1-1 says:

    I agree with you Ninja its getting out of hand at times. All the things we can learn form across the country is awesome. Lets have fun but remember why we are here, its not to stroke egos but help brothers and sister in the fire service learn new ways to do things and become better prepared for runs of service in our areas. Weather you are in a busy LA area or a slow Dairyville dept. We all want to go home after our shift. So please bring your A game here PLEASE. Remember stay safe stay low and always God Bless. P.S. Ninja GO LONG HORNS

  14. Nick says:

    I love this website I get to learn and laugh everytime im on it.

  15. EVFD515 says:

    Capt. 1-1, you couldnt have said it any better. This website is for engine and truck crews alike to share good ideas and experiences. Leave the bickering for

  16. J.B. says:

    This is a great idea! Maybe have the end of the hose sewn at an upholstery shop and it may last longer?

    Be safe and remember – “Everyone Goes Home”!!

  17. Augie says:

    4 yrs later, the original tape is still holding. The rubber jacket is fine. No problems at all.

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