Firefighter Christopher Dyer from Ocala Fire Rescue sent in this forcible entry photo. Obviously this business owner does not want this door used. When faced with this interesting find, workContinue readingHinges or Welds?
Author: Eric
No Overhead Obstructions
Here’s another of example of something you would not normally expect to see. This building has power lines running the entire length of the C side of the structure. NotContinue readingNo Overhead Obstructions
That’s My Spot
Here’s a little light humor for the holidays… Bill Schnaekel from Fairfax County Firehouse 30 sent in the first photo, and we are sure every firefighter in the world hasContinue readingThat’s My Spot
Hydraulic Ventilation
Hydraulic Ventilation, Truck style that is! Firefighter Chris Johnson from City of Concord (NH) sent us this link. They don’t teach this method in any red book, that’s for sure.Continue readingHydraulic Ventilation
Tabbed Ground Pads
 Lt. John Bannon sent in the latest Tip from the Bucket. He credits Walt Caber, President of the Reliance Hook & Ladder Co. 61 for the creation of thisContinue readingTabbed Ground Pads
Jalousie Windows
 Where have all the jalousie’s gone? We found them, they are all right here. This particular setup could create some interesting situations of the fireground. Undoubtedly, if some (orContinue readingJalousie Windows
Tool Bag
We went ahead and added the Bungee Cord trick from a few weeks ago to the What’s in Your Pockets page, and figure we’d include another submission while we wereContinue readingTool Bag
Door to Nowhere
Ryan Royal from Colorado Springs Truck 19 sent in an interesting find. These photos are of two different structures he found in his downtown area. It’s becoming more common toContinue readingDoor to Nowhere
Dual Pane Vinyl Windows
John Clark from Sacramento Truck 6 sent in this video they captured during some acquired structure training. This video shows the strength of some of the new style dual paneContinue readingDual Pane Vinyl Windows
Screen Doors
Screen and storm doors are nothing more than a nuisance when performing a door size up and forcing entry on a residential structure. Obviously they can be removed through variousContinue readingScreen Doors