So you’re performing a search, it’s dark, it’s hot, and you’re getting a little concerned… You ask yourself; how far away am I from finding another way out of thisContinue readingFound a Window
Category: Inside Functions
Rollup anyone?
Lieutenant Scott Egan from Orange County Firehouse 50 sent in these photos from his first due. It’s another one of those interior security bar setups that we have featured before. ThisContinue readingRollup anyone?
We have asked the question before “would you have found this during your primary?†Scott Chappell from Marion County Fire Rescue sent in another to add to the collection. ThisContinue readingPlayroom
Door to Nowhere
Ryan Royal from Colorado Springs Truck 19 sent in an interesting find. These photos are of two different structures he found in his downtown area. It’s becoming more common toContinue readingDoor to Nowhere
Screen Doors
Screen and storm doors are nothing more than a nuisance when performing a door size up and forcing entry on a residential structure. Obviously they can be removed through variousContinue readingScreen Doors
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Our friend Rhett Fleitz from sent in this story that was written by Captain W.W.Wines Jr. from Roanoke (VA) Fire. Capt. Wines and the crew from Station 9-C recentlyContinue readingWolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Look Close
Vincent Wolfe from Charlotte Ladder 1 sent some pictures of something interesting they found on a call. Look at this picture and check out the supplemental page for a fullContinue readingLook Close
Primary Search -All Clear- (Is it Really?)
It has been a couple of weeks since we’ve had a good series of comments about any particular subject… I was looking through some old comments and decided to bringContinue readingPrimary Search -All Clear- (Is it Really?)