The doggy door forcible entry technique may not be many people’s first choice, but it’s a technique that could prove useful in certain situations. We originally posted the doggy doorContinue readingDoggy Door the Video
Category: Outside Functions
Ratchet Strap
Engineer Steven Negedly from Orlando (FL) Engine 9 sent in this photo of an interesting find the crew discovered during an automatic alarm. The owner of this commercial occupancy foundContinue readingRatchet Strap
Better Balance Point
Firefighter Eric Bearss from Orlando (FL) Tower 7 sent in this idea for a better balance point. He pointed out that he picked this idea up while assisting Mike CiampoContinue readingBetter Balance Point
Refuge on the Parapet
Sacramento Metro Fire recently had a close call on the roof. They were working a commercial job, and had three brothers up on the roof when the roof started toContinue readingRefuge on the Parapet
Roll Down
Firefighter Jay Schlossareck from Hackensack (NJ) Fire sent in these photos they took while checking out their response area. The building is a two story multi-residential structure with some parkingContinue readingRoll Down
A Little Help in Here
Firefighter Jonah Smith from Charlotte (NC) Engine 12 sent in these pictures taken at a warehouse fire they had a few months back. While conducting interior search operations the rescueContinue readingA Little Help in Here
No Bolts
We always advocate trying to identify and visualize what is locking the door we are working on. Sometimes this is easier said then done. Captain Jerry Calabrese from Westminster (CO)Continue readingNo Bolts
Secondary Egress
When a secondary means of egress is not enough… These photos are of Boston Fire making it happen. We count 5 devices in the first picture. Judging by the second photo,Continue readingSecondary Egress
Roll-Up Door Prop
Since our last post had some discussion about cutting the roll-up door it seemed appropriate to follow up with this. Engineer Jim Hanel with the Golder Ranch Fire District sentContinue readingRoll-Up Door Prop
Read the Door
Engineer George Humphrey from Gary Indiana Fire (Engine 7) sent in these photos of a dollar store in his first due. It’s hard to believe that a Dollar Store wouldContinue readingRead the Door