Lieutenant Matthew M. Saylor from Baltimore City Truck Company #10 sent in these photos he took during a recent inspection of his first due area. It’s a fire escape wrappedContinue readingRazor Burn
Category: Outside Functions
Wall Obstructions
A few months ago we had a post titled No Overhead Obstructions. Well, here’s another nice place to find wires. How about right on the building this time? Firefighter ZacharyContinue readingWall Obstructions
Found a Window
So you’re performing a search, it’s dark, it’s hot, and you’re getting a little concerned… You ask yourself; how far away am I from finding another way out of thisContinue readingFound a Window
Weakest Link II
Battalion Chief John Riker from Newark Fire Department sent in these videos of the more commonly found weakest link on security bars. The first video shows that sometimes the halliganContinue readingWeakest Link II
Weakest Link
Firefighter Oleg Pelekhaty from DC Fire Dept Engine 2 sent in this find he spotted while learning his district. This structure had two ground level windows in an alley, securedContinue readingWeakest Link
Hinges or Welds?
Firefighter Christopher Dyer from Ocala Fire Rescue sent in this forcible entry photo. Obviously this business owner does not want this door used. When faced with this interesting find, workContinue readingHinges or Welds?
No Overhead Obstructions
Here’s another of example of something you would not normally expect to see. This building has power lines running the entire length of the C side of the structure. NotContinue readingNo Overhead Obstructions
Hydraulic Ventilation
Hydraulic Ventilation, Truck style that is! Firefighter Chris Johnson from City of Concord (NH) sent us this link. They don’t teach this method in any red book, that’s for sure.Continue readingHydraulic Ventilation
Step Away from the Saw
 Step away from the saw and no-one gets hurt. This picture proves that some people just don’t belong on the Truck Company. We can only hope that this wasContinue readingStep Away from the Saw
Did You Really Check It?
Bill Schnaekel from Fairfax County Firehouse 30-C sent in this picture that his captain shared with him. It’s nothing more than a 2 section 35 foot ladder. Or is it?Continue readingDid You Really Check It?