Lately we have had some great dialog on the site about saws. It gave us an idea for another topic. What are everyone’s thoughts about daily saw check outs? DoContinue readingCheck, check, check it out
Category: Random
Right Blade for the Job?
Do you really know your saws? Are you sure your going to choose the right saw for the job? Are you sure you’ve got the right blades on your saw?Continue readingRight Blade for the Job?
Ultimate Truck Video!
We have partnered with our friends at to help them produce the Ultimate Truck Video! Undoubtedly, by now, you are familiar with their high quality videos… We have usedContinue readingUltimate Truck Video!
Links Updated (Finally!)
Be sure to check out some of or new links. We finally caught up on all of the requests we had been receiving. If we have inadvertently left any out,Continue readingLinks Updated (Finally!)
What Happened to July 2006?
We are not quite sure what happened, but our July 2006 posts disappeared. We noticed it a while back and were trying different ways to recover the information. Well guessContinue readingWhat Happened to July 2006?
Merry Christmas!
The staff at would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We would also like to thank each one of you for visiting and contributingContinue readingMerry Christmas!
Slacking on Links
We are slacking on our links page. We apologize to everyone we have not yet included. We will be updating the links page soon, and trying to get caught up.Continue readingSlacking on Links
Not That Well Done!
My cousin sent me some photos of a job in downtown Chicago in the South Loop. He knew we would enjoy the irony of the sign. He is an avid blogger,Continue readingNot That Well Done!
The website is getting beat up by spam! We have installed some new software that should help the problem. Hopefully it won’t change the usability of the site. If forContinue readingSpam
Cutting Candy Bars?
 Saw maintenance is very important. You need to take care of your saw in order for it to take care of you! (Corny but true) I’m big believer inContinue readingCutting Candy Bars?