Just a reminder that VentEnterSearch’s own Jimm Walsh will be presenting his class titled Aggressive Truck Functions for a Safer Fireground at FDIC on Wednesday April 9 3:30-5:15pm Room 236-237 we hope to see you there.
Here is a short description of the class:
Many people associate the term aggressive with unsafe, particularly when it comes to truck company functions. The fireground can actually be made safer through the timely execution of truck company functions. This presentation will stress the importance of aggressive truck functions on the fireground and their positive impact on fireground safety. Due to the limited staffing that most departments are currently facing, we must improve our efficiency on the fire ground. Many departments are cutting staffing or eliminating truck companies all together. Aggressive truck functions will allow everyone on the fireground to work in a safer and more efficient manner. This presentation will expand, and give valuable insight on the understanding of aggressive yet safe truck company skills, and the value of training. Class participants will gain valuable tips on how to increase the efficiently and effectiveness of their truck company functions. In addition, participants will better understand the necessity of truck company functions on every fire. Most importantly, participants will better understand how aggressive truck company functions can be utilized to create a safer fireground.

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