We have shared countless “go-to” tool ideas that fit inside our bunker gear pockets. Everything from webbing, self-rescue items, grease pencils and through the lock tools to name a few. Over the years our pockets have gotten extremely heavy. Have we gone too far? What about being a minimalist fireman, keeping only essentials in our pockets? Important items such as cable cutters and webbing would be some examples of what to keep.
For this post, let’s pick on through the lock and passive entry tools in our pockets. Yes, they are nice to have on us, but one could argue if it is worth the weight. Through the lock skills are most commonly used during non-emergency runs such as automatic fire alarms needing further investigation, patient lift assist, water leaks and gas leaks- all runs that we can afford to walk back to the rig and gather tools. How about having a through the lock bag stored on the rig for these types of runs? This eliminates the need to carry multiple heavy tools in your pocket and keeps them organized in one location.
Below is an example of a through the lock bag carried on Winter Park (FL) Truck 61. There are many other examples found on the internet with a quick Google search. Some kits are being sold by firefighter owned companies!

Below is an inventory on the contents of the bag. Most of the items were purchased at Home Depot for around $100.
Other tools found in this bag can be purchased here:
The SnD Rex tool can be purchased at: https://squareup.com/store/FireByTrade/item/s-d-rex
The Firefighter Swipe Tool can be purchased at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XXQK2V1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_WurTAbEPJ4V6W?fbclid=IwAR0nic3OwVFzDPpMukHJjbXKZOBlDQ_qt4vFCxH9Vx4ZAY6IImjqnEjUN58
- Tool Bag
- Webbing
- Air Shim
- Tape Measure Section
- Weed-Eater String
- Wedge
- Small Flashlight
- 3lb Hammer
- Flat Head Screw Driver
- Phillips Head Screw Driver
- 6n1 Screw Driver
- SnD Rex
- Vise Grips
- Modify Pliers
- Wire Cutters
- Mini Bolt Cutters
- Needle Nose Pliers
- Shove Knife
- Homemade Shove Knife
- Firefighter Swipe Tool
Placing all of these items in your pocket would obviously be ridiculous and extremely heavy. We believe having a through the lock bag is a practical and a convenient way to become a minimalist firefighter. Just watch the video below for an example of the bag in use.
What is the tape measure section used for?