Since it was a frigid 40 degrees this morning in Florida, we realized that our brothers elsewhere in the world must be still dealing with quite a bit of snow.Continue readingSnow Loads
When Shortjacking is not an Option
FDNY Ladder 45 showing that sometimes shortjacking is not an option. This is better than a supply line through the window any day! It’s 04:00… Battalion arrives on scene ofContinue readingWhen Shortjacking is not an Option
Transform Your Plan
Lieutenant Landon Harris from Chesterfield County (VA) Truck 14 sent in these pictures of something he saw while visiting Cumberland, MD. As you can see from the photo, the buildingContinue readingTransform Your Plan
Cut Here
The increasing popularity of hybrids was accompanied by an increased amount of information provided to firefighters on how to deal with them when they have been involved in an accident.Continue readingCut Here
Rung Plate
Tillerman Eric Wheaton from Winter Park Truck 61 sent in his “twist” on carrying a hook and ladder. This particular method allows the hook to not only remain in placeContinue readingRung Plate
Free Tiller Webinar
VentEnterSearch’s own Jimm Walsh will be co-presenting a webinar with Lt. Steve Crothers from Seattle Fire titled The Well-Choreographed Tiller Operation on Wednesday November 14, 2012 at 1pm EST. ThisContinue readingFree Tiller Webinar
Check Out Those Cans!
When was the last time you checked your gas cans? Not just the fuel level, but the actual condition of the can? Have you ever taken the time to removeContinue readingCheck Out Those Cans!
From the Firehouse to the Fireground
VentEnterSearch’s own Jimm Walsh will be presenting his new leadership program titled From the Firehouse to the Fireground on Monday October 15, 2011. The class is being hosted by theContinue readingFrom the Firehouse to the Fireground
Aggressive Truck Functions & VES Class
VentEnterSearch’s own Jimm Walsh will be presenting a full day Truck Company presentation in Colchester, Vermont on Saturday October 13, 2012. The day will include two of Jimm’s popular TruckContinue readingAggressive Truck Functions & VES Class
Elevator Key Ring
Assistant Chief Michael Wolfschmidt from Surf City (NJ) sent in these photos of a simple modification they have made to their elevator key ring. Simply adding snap rings to attachContinue readingElevator Key Ring