We wanted to apologize for taking the site down yesterday. We were hacked, so we felt it was best to take the site down to prevent any additional issues. SomeContinue readingYesterday
Thru-the-Lock Prop
Ryan Royal from Colorado Springs (CO) Firehouse 8 sent in some ideas for a training prop that he and the crew at Firehouse 8 recently completed. This Thru-the-lock prop wasContinue readingThru-the-Lock Prop
Milwaukee Grabs
We found this excellent ground ladder video over on thehousewatch.com. It is of a recent apartment fire they had in Milwaukee. When first listening to this video, it almost soundedContinue readingMilwaukee Grabs
Wood You?
Firefighter Kevin Galt from Fort Lauderdale (FL) Ladder Co. 2 sent these photos of a find from his first due. Your first thought (since you know the pictures are fromContinue readingWood You?
Organization is Key
Lt. Ray McCormack from FDNY Ladder 28 sent in this method of organizing the set of elevator keys. Most rigs simply carry the elevator keys exactly how they came fromContinue readingOrganization is Key
Galvanized Security
The first photo was submitted by Lieutenant Randy Hunter and Captain Derek Church from Bluffton (SC) it actually from the same building we discussed in the post a few weeksContinue readingGalvanized Security
DCFD Hook & Ladder
Joe Brown from DCFD Truck Company 17 sent in this tip that works well for truck companies with side mounted ladders. It involves a webbing tension strap, a bull ring,Continue readingDCFD Hook & Ladder
$2 Glove Dryer
Tim Dowd from DCFD Rescue 2 sent in this simple idea to keep your gloves dry. Each one of us has gotten our gloves wet, and come back next tourContinue reading$2 Glove Dryer
Left Handed Saw
Engineer George Humphrey Gary (IN) Fire Dept Engine Company 7 sent in these photos of a left handed saw. Most saws have the ability to be changed to allow theContinue readingLeft Handed Saw
View from the Inside
Lieutenant Randy Hunter from Bluffton (SC) Twp Fire District sent in these photos of an interesting structure in their area. The photos were actually taken by Captain Derek Church alsoContinue readingView from the Inside