VentEnterSearch will be spreading Can Confidence to the gulf coast of Florida for the Sun Coast FOOLS. Jimm and Eric will be teaching the Can confidence portion of a H.O.T.Continue readingCan Confidence- H.O.T. Class
Expose the Gap
In this video we demonstrate one way of gaining entry into an outward swinging double door. Before we get into the post we want to get something out of theContinue readingExpose the Gap
Blocked Door
Seeing these signs on the rear of a commercial occupancy can tell you a few important things. The most obvious is that the door may actually be blocked. ButContinue readingBlocked Door
Storefront Simulator
In our last post we demonstrated how to maximize the training potential in an acquired structure with a metal door. Click here To see that post. Keeping with the acquiredContinue readingStorefront Simulator
Maximize the Opportunity
Check out our recent video that demonstrates how to maximize the training potential in an acquired structure. In the video we cover how to use a single metal door toContinue readingMaximize the Opportunity
Aggressive Truck Functions for a Safer Fireground
Head on over to to check out Jimm’s recently published article titled Aggressive Truck Functions for a Safer Fireground. Click here for a direct link to the article. ItContinue readingAggressive Truck Functions for a Safer Fireground
Portable Door Lock
Ken Deichler from Poughkeepsie (NY) sent in these photos that he came across on a non-fire related website. They are of what is called a “portable door lock” these locksContinue readingPortable Door Lock
Orlando Fire Conference 2015
VentEnterSearch’s own Jimm Walsh and Eric Wheaton will both be presenting at the 2015 Orlando Fire Conference in Orlando, Florida. The conference runs from February 26th-February 28th, 2015 and offersContinue readingOrlando Fire Conference 2015
Can You Force Me Now?
Captain Scott Allison, of Tower 1 in Harrisonburg (VA) sent in these pictures of something they recently encountered on an odor investigation call at a cell phone store. Take aContinue readingCan You Force Me Now?
Golf Ball RIT
Captain Shawn Royall from Charlotte Ladder Co. 23 sent in this idea to make sharing air in a RIT situation a bit easier. When training with their new packs theyContinue readingGolf Ball RIT