Riding assignments are one of the simplest methods to increase your efficiency and effectiveness on the fireground. They should be thought-out ahead of time, put in writing, trained on, used on every incident and on every apparatus. The utilization of riding assignments ensures that critical tasks are getting done in the most efficient way, at the most appropriate times, and helps minimize redundancy of efforts. In order to make riding assignments truly effective for your organization, they need to be customized for your specific needs (apparatus, staffing, equipment, building construction, response time, etc.)
Below is an example of a riding/tool assignments used by Winter Park (FL) Truck Company 61. These assignments are broken into two formats, one listed by call type and the other listed by seat assigned. Both formats have been placed in an organized folder for each member to reference. The first few pages in the booklet are listed by call type and the tabbed sections are listed by seat assigned. The tabbed pages work well for companies where members frequently rotate seats and is an organized way to assist them in disseminating the information.
Example: Say you are assigned to the driver seat for the shift, just turn to the driver tab and review the tool/assignments for the driver only.
Obviously, riding assignments are customizable and can be more or less detailed than the example below.
Click Here if you would like to download a PDF copy of Winter Park Truck 61’s riding assignments listed by call.
Click Here if you would like to download a PDF copy of Winter Park Truck 61’s riding assignment listed by seat assigned.
Click Here if you would like to download a PDF copy of Winter Park Engine Company riding assignment.

WPFD Truck 61 Riding Assignments
(By Call Type)
Residential and Commercial Fire
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions: Forcible entry, primary search, locating the fire, report interior fire conditions
- Secondary Functions: Overhaul
- Tools Carried: Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC), hook, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Large commercial or residential structures consider large area search rope
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions: Forcible entry, primary search, locating and confining the fire (water can and/or closing the fire room door)
- Secondary Functions: Overhaul
- Tools Carried: Irons, water can, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Commercial structures consider Rex Tool and though-the-lock bag for glass store fronts.Also consider the Hydra-RAM for apartments, college dorms, and hospitals
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions: Position apparatus for aerial operations, Vent Enter Search (VES), force rear door, ground ladder operations, roof operations, aerial operations
- Tools Carried for Primary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, ground ladder(s), flashlight, saw (roof operations or fortified entry), or other tools deemed necessary
- Consider a striking tool, i.e. pig, flat head axe, or sledge
- Secondary Functions: Secondary search, salvage, overhaul
- Tools Carried for Secondary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, flashlight, salvage tarps, interior lighting, extension cords, junction box, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions: Vent Enter Search (VES), Outside Vent (OV), ground ladder operations, report fire conditions in the rear, roof operations
- Tools Carried for Primary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, ground ladder(s), flashlight, saw (roof operations or fortified entry), or other tools deemed necessary
- Commercial structures consider 55” halligan
- Secondary Functions: Secondary search, salvage, overhaul
- Tools Carried for Secondary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, flashlight, salvage tarps, Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV) fan, 5-Gas monitor, or other tools deemed necessary
High-Rise Fire
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions: Locating the fire floor, report interior fire conditions, determine evacuation stairs, establish refuge room (often room across from fire room), forcible entry, primary search
- Secondary Functions: Overhaul
- Tools Carried: Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC), hook, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Large commercial or residential structures consider large area search rope
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions: Forcible entry, primary search, locating and confining the fire (water can and/or closing fire room door)
- Secondary Functions: Overhaul
- Tools Carried: Irons, water can, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Commercial structures consider Rex Tool and through-the-lock bag for glass store fronts.Also consider the Hydra-RAM for apartments, college dorms and hospitals
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions: Position apparatus for aerial operations, aerial operations, report interior fire conditions on floor above fire, primary search on floor above fire, Vent Enter Search (VES), ground ladder operations, forcible entry (bulkhead door or roof hatch), roof operations, roof rescue
- Tools Carried for Primary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, ground ladder(s), flashlight, saw (roof operations or fortified entry), or other tools deemed necessary
- Consider a striking tool, i.e. pig, flat head axe, or sledge
- Secondary Functions: Secondary search of the fire floor, salvage, overhaul
- Tools Carried for Secondary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, flashlight, salvage tarps, interior lighting, extension cords, generator or junction box, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions: Aerial operations, report interior fire conditions on floor above fire, primary search on floor above fire, Vent Enter Search (VES), ground ladder operations, forcible entry (bulkhead door or roof hatch), roof operations, roof rescue
- Tools Carried for Primary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, ground ladder(s), flashlight, roof rescue bag, saw (roof operations or fortified entry), or other tools deemed necessary
- Consider a striking tool, i.e. pig, flat head axe, or sledge
- Secondary Functions: Secondary search of the fire floor, salvage, overhaul
- Tools Carried for Secondary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, flashlight, salvage tarps, Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV) fan, 5-Gas monitor, or other tools deemed necessary
Automatic Fire Alarm (Investigation)
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions: On scene report (if first due), gain entry, report interior conditions, report Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) indication, determine a cause for alarm, assist occupants in FACP reset, confirm reset with monitoring agency
- Tools Carried: Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC), hook, flashlight
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions: Gain entry to building Lock Box, assist officer in determining a cause for alarm, reset any manual pull stations, assist occupants in FACP reset
- Tools Carried: Irons, water can, Lox Box key, flashlight
- If Lock Box or responder is unavailable, consider Rex Tool and through-the-Lock bag
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions: Position apparatus for aerial operations, 360 of building(s), report exterior conditions, report conditions on upper floors, assist in determining a cause for alarm
- Tools Carried: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, flashlight
- Consider a striking tool, i.e. pig, flat head axe, or sledge
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions: 360 of building(s), report exterior conditions, report conditions on upper floors, assist in determining a cause for alarm
- Tools Carried: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, flashlight
- Consider a striking tool, i.e. pig, flat head axe, or sledge
Auto Accident with Entrapment
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions: Determine and announce an extrication plan, stabilize vehicle(s), secure battery, remove glass, remove interior trim, operations safety
- Tools Carried: Cribbing and/or struts, patient cover tarp, hard plastic patient protection board, or other tools deemed necessary
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions: Stabilize vehicle(s), secure battery, protection of patient with tarp and hard board, remove glass, remove interior trim, assist in hydraulic operations
- Tools Carried: Irons, Motor Vehicle Crash (MVC) Kit, cribbing and/or struts, Rhyno Tool, or other tools deemed necessary
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions: Position Apparatus- blocking the scene with rescue compartments facing extrication area, scene lighting, hydraulic operations, tie back rigger
- Tools Carried: Cutters, Sawzall, straps/slings, come-along, extension cord, electrical junction box, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions: Hydraulic Operations
- Tools Carried: Hydraulic Power Unit, Hydraulic Lines, Spreaders, or other tools deemed necessary
Gas Leak
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions: Determine location, size, and type of leak; evacuate building (interior leak), establish a HOT ZONE, mitigate any ignition sources, operations safety
- Tools Carried: Shovel or other tools deemed necessary
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions: Evacuate building (interior leak), gain access to leak, secure gas meter shut off valve (interior leak), mitigate leak
- Tools Carried: Irons, 5-GAS monitor, shovel, or other tools deemed necessary
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions: Position apparatus- blocking the scene with rescue compartments facing work area, scene lighting, evacuate adjacent structures, gain access to leak, mitigate leak
- Tools Carried: Shovel, Mustang clamp, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions: Evacuate adjacent structures, gain access to leak, mitigate leak
- Tools Carried: Shovel, gas leak kit, or other tools deemed necessary
Elevator Rescue
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions: Determine location of elevator car, make verbal contact with occupant(s), confirm power is secured, operations safety
- Tools Carried: Flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions: Secure pit and/or elevator car power, gain access to elevator car, remove occupant(s)
- Tools Carried: Irons, elevator keys, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions: Locate and gain access to elevator equipment room, secure main power to elevator, lower/level elevator (hydraulic elevator), remove occupant(s)
- Tools Carried: 6’ New York hook, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions: Locate and gain access to elevator equipment room, secure main power to elevator, coordinate the lowering/leveling of elevator (hydraulic elevator) with officer, remove occupant(s)
- Tools Carried: Halligan, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
Special Operations
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions:
- High Angle: Determine location of patient(s), make verbal contact with patient(s), determine equipment and personnel needed, develop and announce rescue/rigging plan, operations safety
- Confined Space: Determine location of patient(s), make contact with job site foreman (construction site), determine equipment and personnel needed, develop and announce rescue/rigging plan, operations safety
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Determine location of patient(s), make verbal contact with patient(s), determine equipment and personnel needed, develop and announce rescue/rigging plan, operations safety
- Man-in-Machine: Determine location of patient(s), make verbal contact with patient(s), determine equipment and personnel needed, develop and announce rescue/rigging plan, confirm power is secured, operations safety
- Tools Carried:
- High Angle: 2 Aztecs, patient harness bag, edge roller, class III harness bag, webbing bag, or other tools deemed necessary
- Confined Space: Air lines, patient harness bag, hardboard, class III harness bag, webbing bag, search camera, or other tools deemed necessary
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Patient harness bag, class III harness bag, webbing bag, cribbing, search camera, or other tools deemed necessary
- Man-in-Machine: Cribbing, search camera, or other tools deemed necessary
- Primary Functions:
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions:
- High Angle: Rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Confined Space: Rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Forcible entry, rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Man-in-Machine: Secure power to machinery, rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Tools Carried:
- High Angle: 2 rescuer bags, 200’ rope bag, 2 spare technical rescue helmets, or other tools deemed necessary
- Confined Space: 2 rescuer bags, 200’ rope bag, 2 spare technical rescue helmets, 4 confine space escape packs, lockout-tagout box, 5-GAS monitor, 2 SCBA cylinders, or other tools deemed necessary
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Irons, 2 rescuer bags, 200’ rope bag, 2 spare technical rescue helmets, lockout-tagout box, 5-GAS monitor, cribbing, or other tools deemed necessary
- Man-in-Machine: Irons, 2 rescuer bags, 2 spare technical rescue helmets, lockout-tagout box, cribbing, or other tools deemed necessary
- Primary Functions:
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions:
- High Angle: Position apparatus- blocking the scene with rescue compartments facing work area, scene lighting, aerial operations, rigger, hauler, removal of patient(s)
- Confined Space: Position apparatus- blocking the scene with rescue compartments facing work area, scene lighting, aerial operations, rigger, anchor rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Position apparatus- blocking the scene with rescue compartments facing work area, scene lighting, aerial operations, rigger, cut station operator, removal of patient(s)
- Man-in-Machine: Position apparatus- blocking the scene with rescue compartments facing work area, scene lighting, aerial operations, rigger, removal of patient(s)
- Tools Carried:
- High Angle: Stokes basket with bag, rigging bag, 400’ rope bag, or other tools deemed necessary
- Confined Space: Tripod, rigging bag, air cart, air lines, extension cords, generator or electrical junction box, or other tools deemed necessary
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Stokes basket with bag, rigging bag, 400’ rope bag, high pressure air bag regulator box, Petrogen torch, or other tools deemed necessary
- Man-in-Machine: Extension cords, generator or electrical junction box, Petrogen torch, or other tools deemed necessary
- Primary Functions:
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions:
- High Angle: Hauler, removal of patient(s)
- Confined Space: Rescuer, hauler, removal of patient(s)
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Stabilize trench or building material, rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Man-in-Machine: Stabilize machinery, rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Tools Carried:
- High Angle: Stokes basket with bag, 200’ rope bag, 400’ rope bag, or other tools deemed necessary
- Confined Space: 4:1 rope bag, 200’ rope bag, 400’ rope bag, ventilation fan(s), air lines, or other tools deemed necessary
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Stokes basket with bag, 200’ rope bag, 400’ rope bag, ventilation fan(s), air struts, high pressure air bags, saw, or other tools deemed necessary
- Man-in-Machine: Man-in-Machine kit, saw, or other tools deemed necessary
- Primary Functions:
WPFD Truck 61 Riding Assignments
(By Seat Assigned)
Residential and Commercial Fire
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions: Forcible entry, primary search, locating the fire, report interior fire conditions
- Secondary Functions: Overhaul
- Tools Carried: Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC), hook, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Large commercial or residential structures consider large area search rope
High-Rise Fire
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions: Locating the fire floor, report interior fire conditions, determine evacuation stairs, establish refuge room (often room across from fire room), forcible entry, primary search
- Secondary Functions: Overhaul
- Tools Carried: Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC), hook, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Large commercial or residential structures consider large area search rope
Automatic Fire Alarm (Investigation)
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions: On scene report (if first due), gain entry, report interior conditions, report Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) indication, determine a cause for alarm, assist occupants in FACP reset, confirm reset with monitoring agency
- Tools Carried: Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC), hook, flashlight
Auto Accident with Entrapment
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions: Determine and announce an extrication plan, stabilize vehicle(s), secure battery, remove glass, remove interior trim, operations safety
- Tools Carried: Cribbing and/or struts, patient cover tarp, hard plastic patient protection board, or other tools deemed necessary
Gas Leak
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions: Determine location, size, and type of leak; evacuate building (interior leak), establish a HOT ZONE, mitigate any ignition sources, operations safety
- Tools Carried: Shovel or other tools deemed necessary
Elevator Rescue
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions: Determine location of elevator car, make verbal contact with occupant(s), confirm power is secured, operations safety
- Tools Carried: Flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
Special Operations
- Officer (Inside Truck 61) Radio designation of Truck 61
- Primary Functions:
- High Angle: Determine location of patient(s), make verbal contact with patient(s), determine equipment and personnel needed, develop and announce rescue/rigging plan, operations safety
- Confined Space: Determine location of patient(s), make contact with job site foreman (construction site), determine equipment and personnel needed, develop and announce rescue/rigging plan, operations safety
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Determine location of patient(s), make verbal contact with patient(s), determine equipment and personnel needed, develop and announce rescue/rigging plan, operations safety
- Man-in-Machine: Determine location of patient(s), make verbal contact with patient(s), determine equipment and personnel needed, develop and announce rescue/rigging plan, confirm power is secured, operations safety
- Tools Carried:
- High Angle: 2 Aztecs, patient harness bag, edge roller, class III harness bag, webbing bag, or other tools deemed necessary
- Confined Space: Air lines, patient harness bag, hardboard, class III harness bag, webbing bag, search camera, or other tools deemed necessary
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Patient harness bag, class III harness bag, webbing bag, cribbing, search camera, or other tools deemed necessary
- Man-in-Machine: Cribbing, search camera, or other tools deemed necessary
- Primary Functions:
Residential and Commercial Fire
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions: Forcible entry, primary search, locating and confining the fire (water can and/or closing the fire room door)
- Secondary Functions: Overhaul
- Tools Carried: Irons, water can, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Commercial structures consider Rex Tool and though-the-lock bag for glass store fronts.Also consider the Hydra-RAM for apartments, college dorms, and hospitals
High-Rise Fire
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions: Forcible entry, primary search, locating and confining the fire (water can and/or closing fire room door)
- Secondary Functions: Overhaul
- Tools Carried: Irons, water can, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Commercial structures consider Rex Tool and through-the-lock bag for glass store fronts.Also consider the Hydra-RAM for apartments, college dorms, and hospitals
Automatic Fire Alarm (Investigation)
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions: Gain entry to building Lock Box, assist officer in determining a cause for alarm, reset any manual pull stations, assist occupants in FACP reset
- Tools Carried: Irons, water can, Lock Box key flashlight
- If Lock Box or responder is unavailable, consider Rex Tool and through-the-Lock bag
Auto Accident with Entrapment
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions: Stabilize vehicle(s), secure battery, protection of patient with tarp and hard board, remove glass, remove interior trim, assist in hydraulic operations
- Tools Carried: Irons, Motor Vehicle Crash (MVC) Kit, cribbing and/or struts, Rhyno Tool, or other tools deemed necessary
Gas Leak
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions: Evacuate building (interior leak), gain access to leak, secure gas meter shut off valve (interior leak), mitigate leak
- Tools Carried: Irons, 5-GAS monitor, shovel, or other tools deemed necessary
Elevator Rescue
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions: Secure pit and/or elevator car power, gain access to elevator car, remove occupant(s)
- Tools Carried: Irons, elevator keys, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
Special Operations
- Firefighter (Inside Truck 61) When working away from Truck 61’s Officer, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Irons
- Primary Functions:
- High Angle: Rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Confined Space: Rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Forcible entry, rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Man-in-Machine: Secure power to machinery, rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Primary Functions:
- Tools Carried:
- High Angle: 2 rescuer bags, 200’ rope bag, 2 spare technical rescue helmets, or other tools deemed necessary
- Confined Space: 2 rescuer bags, 200’ rope bag, 2 spare technical rescue helmets, 4 confine space escape packs, lockout-tagout box, 5-GAS monitor, 2 SCBA cylinders, or other tools deemed necessary
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Irons, 2 rescuer bags, 200’ rope bag, 2 spare technical rescue helmets, lockout-tagout box, 5-GAS monitor, cribbing, or other tools deemed necessary
- Man-in-Machine: Irons, 2 rescuer bags, 2 spare technical rescue helmets, lockout-tagout box, cribbing, or other tools deemed necessary
Residential and Commercial Fire
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions: Position apparatus for aerial operations, Vent Enter Search (VES), force rear door, ground ladder operations, roof operations, aerial operations
- Tools Carried for Primary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, ground ladder(s), flashlight, saw (roof operations or fortified entry), or other tools deemed necessary
- Consider a striking tool, i.e. pig, flat head axe, or sledge
- Secondary Functions: Secondary search, salvage, overhaul
- Tools Carried for Secondary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, flashlight, salvage tarps, interior lighting, extension cords, junction box, or other tools deemed necessary
High-Rise Fire
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions: Position apparatus for aerial operations, aerial operations, report interior fire conditions on floor above fire, primary search on floor above fire, Vent Enter Search (VES), ground ladder operations, forcible entry (bulkhead door or roof hatch), roof operations, roof rescue
- Tools Carried for Primary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, ground ladder(s), flashlight, saw (roof operations or fortified entry), or other tools deemed necessary
- Consider a striking tool, i.e. pig, flat head axe, or sledge
- Secondary Functions: Secondary search of the fire floor, salvage, overhaul
- Tools Carried for Secondary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, flashlight, salvage tarps, interior lighting, extension cords, generator or junction box, or other tools deemed necessary
Automatic Fire Alarm (Investigation)
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions: Position apparatus for aerial operations, 360 of building(s), report exterior conditions, report conditions on upper floors, assist in determining a cause for alarm
- Tools Carried: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, flashlight, Lock Box key
- Consider a striking tool, i.e. pig, flat head axe, or sledge
Auto Accident with Entrapment
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions: Position Apparatus- blocking the scene with rescue compartments facing extrication area, scene lighting, hydraulic operations, tie back rigger
- Tools Carried: Cutters, Sawzall, straps/slings, come-along, extension cord, electrical junction box, or other tools deemed necessary
Gas Leak
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions: Position apparatus- blocking the scene with rescue compartments facing work area, scene lighting, evacuate adjacent structures, gain access to leak, mitigate leak
- Tools Carried: Mustang clamp or other tools deemed necessary
Elevator Rescue
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions: Locate and gain access to elevator equipment room, secure main power to elevator, lower/level elevator (hydraulic elevator), remove occupant(s)
- Tools Carried: 6’ New York hook, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
Special Operations
- Driver (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Driver
- Primary Functions:
- High Angle: Position apparatus- blocking the scene with rescue compartments facing work area, scene lighting, aerial operations, rigger, hauler, removal of patient(s)
- Confined Space: Position apparatus- blocking the scene with rescue compartments facing work area, scene lighting, aerial operations, rigger, anchor rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Position apparatus- blocking the scene with rescue compartments facing work area, scene lighting, aerial operations, rigger, cut station operator, removal of patient(s)
- Man-in-Machine: Position apparatus- blocking the scene with rescue compartments facing work area, scene lighting, aerial operations, rigger, removal of patient(s)
- Tools Carried:
- High Angle: Stokes basket with bag, rigging bag, 400’ rope bag, or other tools deemed necessary
- Confined Space: Tripod, rigging bag, air cart, air lines, extension cords, generator or electrical junction box, or other tools deemed necessary
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Stokes basket with bag, rigging bag, 400’ rope bag, high pressure air bag regulator box, Petrogen torch, or other tools deemed necessary
- Man-in-Machine: Extension cords, generator or electrical junction box, Petrogen torch, or other tools deemed necessary
- Primary Functions:
Residential and Commercial Fire
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions: Vent Enter Search (VES), Outside Vent (OV), ground ladder operations, report fire conditions in the rear, roof operations
- Tools Carried for Primary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, ground ladder(s), flashlight, saw (roof operations or fortified entry), or other tools deemed necessary
- Commercial structures consider 55” Halligan
- Secondary Functions: Secondary search, salvage, overhaul
- Tools Carried for Secondary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, flashlight, salvage tarps, Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV) fan, 5-Gas monitor, or other tools deemed necessary
High-Rise Fire
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions: Aerial operations, report interior fire conditions on floor above fire, primary search on floor above fire, Vent Enter Search (VES), ground ladder operations, forcible entry (bulkhead door or roof hatch), roof operations, roof rescue
- Tools Carried for Primary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, ground ladder(s), flashlight, roof rescue bag, saw (roof operations or fortified entry), or other tools deemed necessary
- Consider a striking tool, i.e. pig, flat head axe, or sledge
- Secondary Functions: Secondary search of the fire floor, salvage, overhaul
- Tools Carried for Secondary Functions: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, flashlight, salvage tarps, Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV) fan, 5-Gas monitor, or other tools deemed necessary
Automatic Fire Alarm (Investigation)
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions: 360 of building(s), report exterior conditions, report conditions on upper floors, assist in determining a cause for alarm
- Tools Carried: 6’ New York hook, Halligan, flashlight
- Consider a striking tool, i.e. pig, flat head axe, or sledge
Auto Accident with Entrapment
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions: Hydraulic Operations
- Tools Carried: Hydraulic Power Unit, Hydraulic Lines, Spreaders, or other tools deemed necessary
Gas Leak
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions: Evacuate adjacent structures, gain access to leak, mitigate leak
- Tools Carried: Gas leak kit or other tools deemed necessary
Elevator Rescue
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions: Locate and gain access to elevator equipment room, secure main power to elevator, coordinate the lowering/leveling of elevator (hydraulic elevator) with officer, remove occupant(s)
- Tools Carried: Halligan, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
Special Operations
- Tiller Operator (Outside Truck 61): When working on individual assignments, radio designation becomes Truck 61 Tiller
- Primary Functions:
- High Angle: Hauler, removal of patient(s)
- Confined Space: Rescuer, hauler, removal of patient(s)
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Stabilize trench or building material, rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Man-in-Machine: Stabilize machinery, rescuer, removal of patient(s)
- Tools Carried:
- High Angle: Stokes basket with bag, 200’ rope bag, 400’ rope bag, or other tools deemed necessary
- Confined Space: 4:1 rope bag, 200’ rope bag, 400’ rope bag, ventilation fan(s), air lines, or other tools deemed necessary
- Collapse (Building or Trench): Stokes basket with bag, 200’ rope bag, 400’ rope bag, ventilation fan(s), air struts, high pressure air bags, saw, or other tools deemed necessary
- Man-in-Machine: Man-in-Machine kit, saw, or other tools deemed necessary
- Primary Functions:

WPFD Engine Company Riding Assignments
Residential and Commercial Fire
- Officer: Radio designation of Engine 6#
- 1st Due: On scene report, determine attack mode, information gathering from occupants and/or bystanders, determine length and size of attack line, 360 of fire building, determine entry point for initial attack line, forcible entry if necessary, report interior conditions, back-up nozzle firefighter, search immediate fire area
- 2nd Due: Spot proper hydrant (Consider- under 500 feet, forward lay. Over 500 feet, reverse lay), determine length, size, and entry location for secondary line; assist in fire attack, back-up nozzle firefighter
- 3rd Due: Assume Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) functions unless determined otherwise by command
- Tools Carried for 1st Due: Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC), hook, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tools Carried for 2nd Due: Thermal Image Camera (TIC), hook, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tools Carried for 3rd Due: Reference RIT SOG or flashlight and tool of choice if assigned to something other than RIT
- Driver: Radio designation of Engine 6# Driver
- 1st Due: Proper placement of apparatus, consider aerial placement, pump and determine water supply possibilities
- 2nd Due: Spot proper hydrant (Consider- under 500 feet, forward lay. Over 500 feet, reverse lay), assist 1st Due Engine with securing a water supply, don full PPE with SCBA and join crew for assignment, NOTE: If reverse lay is being used, properly relay pump attack Engine
- 3rd Due: Don full PPE with SCBA and assume Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) functions unless determined otherwise by command or join crew for additional assignments
- Tools Carried for 2nd Due: At least one hand tool of choice i.e. hook, halligan, axe or pig, and flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tools Carried for 3rd Due Functions (RIT): Reference RIT SOG or flashlight and tool of choice if assigned to something other than RIT
- Firefighter: Radio designation of Engine 6# Tailboard
- 1st Due: Pull proper attack line to appropriate location, forcible entry if necessary, fire attack, protect the search crews
- 2nd Due: Catch hydrant (If a forward lay is used) and/or assist in securing a water to 1st due Engine, pull secondary attack line, assist in fire attack, protect means of egress
- 3rd Due: Assume Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) functions unless determined otherwise by command
- Tools Carried for 1st Due: Nozzle, irons, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tools Carried for 2nd Due: Hydrant bag, supply line, nozzle, irons, flashlight, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tools Carried for 3rd Due: Reference RIT SOG or flashlight and tool of choice if assigned to something other than RIT
High-Rise and Standpipe Equipped Building Fire
- Officer: Radio designation of Engine 6#
- 1st Due: On scene report, information gathering from occupants and/or bystanders, consider utilizing FACP to help determine location, determine and announce if operating off of the engine or building standpipe, locate fire and determine what standpipe connection to utilize, announce your attack point/ attack stairwell, fire attack, force entry if necessary, search immediate fire area
- 2nd Due: Determine location of initial attack line, determine if the first line is in service, connect to standpipe below attack line, assist in fire attack, protect means of egress
- 3rd Due: Determine location of attack stairwell, stage equipment two floors below fire floor, assume Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) on the floor below fire attack
- Tools Carried for 1st Due: Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC), hook, flashlight, nozzle high-rise section, Hydra-Ram (Engine 62), or other tools deemed necessary
- Tools Carried for 2nd Due: Thermal Image Camera (TIC), hook, flashlight, nozzle high-rise section, 50’ of 3” to extend standpipe connection from 2 floors below, high-rise bag, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tools Carried for 3rd Due: Reference RIT SOG or flashlight and tool of choice if assigned to something other than RIT
- Driver: Radio designation of Engine 6# Driver
- 1st Due: Proper placement of apparatus for ease of equipment deployment, consider aerial placement, don full PPE, investigate with crew, assume control position at standpipe connection, initial accountability
- 2nd Due: Proper placement of apparatus for ease of equipment deployment, consider aerial placement, assume lobby control
- 3rd Due: Proper placement of apparatus to made FDC connection and establish a water supply, connect dual lines to FDC, notify command and standby to charge FDC system
- Tools Carried for 1st Due: High-rise bag, high-rise hose bundle, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tools Carried for 2nd Due: Lock box keys, elevator service keys, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tools Carried for 3rd Due Functions: Equipment deemed necessary to make and establish FDC connection and establish water supply, or other tools deemed necessary
- Firefighter: Radio designation of Engine 6# Tailboard
- 1st Due: Investigate with crew to find proper attack point, deploy and prepare hose for fire attack, forcible entry if necessary, fire attack, protect search crews
- 2nd Due: Determine if the first line is in service, connect to standpipe below initial line, deploy and prepare second line, assist in fire attack, protect means of egress
- 3rd Due: Assume Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) functions unless determined otherwise by command, stage all equipment two floors below fire floor
- Tools Carried for 1st Due: Irons, flashlight, high-rise hose bundle, water can if investigation mode is likely, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tools Carried for 2nd Due: Irons, flashlight, high-rise hose bundle, or other tools deemed necessary
- Tools Carried for 3rd Due: Reference RIT SOG or flashlight and tool of choice if assigned to something other than RIT
Auto Accident
- Officer: Radio designation of Engine 6#
- Minor to Moderate Accident: On scene report, assess damage and immediate hazards, determine resources needed
- Entrapment: On scene report, assess damage and immediate hazards, direct incoming resources for vehicle positioning and equipment needed, begin stabilization, assist in extrication
- Tools Carried: Situational dependent
- Driver: Radio designation of Engine 6# Driver
- Minor to Moderate Accident: Proper placement of apparatus to protect the scene, assist in vehicle hazards, assist in patient care
- Entrapment: Proper placement of apparatus to protect the scene, consider Truck Company placement and possible tie-back, assist in pulling and charging of safety line, ready pro-pack if needed, assist with equipment
- Tools Carried: Situational dependent
- Firefighter: Radio designation of Engine 6# Tailboard
- Minor to Moderate Accident: Ensure all vehicles are made safe (in park, motor off, secure battery if necessary), assist in patient care, attend to fluids
- Entrapment: Pull bumper line, begin stabilization, assist in extrication, possible manpower for patient care and/or transport
- Tools Carried: Situational dependent; Irons and MVA kit at minimum, or other tools deemed necessary
Gas Leak
- Officer: Radio designation of Engine 6#
- Tasks: Determine the location, size, and type of leak, assist in pulling a line with fog nozzle for crew protection, assume 2 out, assist as needed
- Tools Carried: Shovel, Mustang clamp, or other tools deemed necessary
- Driver: Radio designation of Engine 6#
- Tasks: Proper placement of apparatus, assist in pulling and charging a line with fog nozzle for crew protection, consider a water supply if extended operation or within hand jack distance, provide equipment as needed
- Firefighter: Radio designation of Engine 6# Tailboard
- Tasks: Pull a line with a fog nozzle for crew protection, assume 2 out, assist as needed
- Tools Carried: Nozzle, gas monitor, shovel, gas leak bag, or other tools deemed necessary