Chief Joe Tarquinio from Wappingers Falls (NY) Fire sent in these pictures demonstrating the reason to search closets during a primary. Firefighter Tom Gallman originally found this set-up when they were evacuating the building for a natural gas leak. This closet is located in the living room (under the stairs) and has a single bi-fold closet door with custom extension cord handle. Besides the bed, the closet had a descent sized TV located at the foot of the bed. Normally we don’t post camera phone pictures, however this one seemed like a great follow up from our previous post and discussion about primary searches.
18 thoughts on “Room With No View”
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WOW eye opening. With economic times how they are it is no surprise things like this are going on and will become more prevelant.
This is a usual occurrence where I work. It was these illegal modification’s that killed Curt and John in the Bronx.
Someone must not have loved their children.
What do you mean? They loved them so much they gave the kid his own room. WITH a TV.
Well, whoever it’s for…..they’re out of the closet now.
Nudge nudge 😉 ;).
This is an “Garden Apt” style bulding that as alot of immergrents liveing here. This was one of the MANY problems that we found this night, this was just the most intersting one.
Out with it Tom … it’s your place. You keep the kids in the closet all the time … you forgot to show the roll of duct tape too
Piss poor use of space if you ask me. If they had placed a fridge where the box springs are, with the mattress on the door, so the door opened vertically and a shitter under the tv, you’d never have to leave this room! P.S. How bad would you shit when you open the door and are face to face with a body? That mattress is about eye level if you’re crawling!
The real tragedy here is that the tv has an aspect ration of 4/3 and it’s a cathode ray tube (albeit flat)
Oh the hummanity.
Hey fellas all I can say is as a Dad of three girls, 10 7 and 2, It needs a beer fridge and more sound damping so they can’t find me!
I remember living in a spot like this when I was 19. Bringing dames home was next to impossible (“you live in a CLOSET? ha-ha!”), and every morning (afternoon) that I woke up, I’d have to hear the joke about “coming out of the closet” from my housemates.
I am not sure if I am the only one but it looks like one of my first station house watch rooms!! Just needs a portable and a window
Good job Joe, represent Wappingers Falls…my hometown, we have not run into this yet here in Somerset, NJ but thanks for the info buddy
Looks like Harry Potters bedroom
I didnt know Harry Potter lived in Wappingers Falls (NY)
Stay safe.
My FD found a similar situation in a rooming house during a quarterly inspection. What was supposed to be two attic storage spaces had padlocks on them, behind one door the Engine company doing the inspection heard a radio or tv from behind the door. They used bolt cutters to cut off the lock and found an illegal room with a bed, TV, microwave and a hot plate. They cut the other padlock off and they found a bed and a tv set.
Of course, the property owner “had no idea” what was going on…