Low Drop Bar

Lieutenant Brian Bull from Clermont Fire sent in these photos of a different type of burglar bar installation. First of all you will notice the bolt pattern that should instantly alert you to some type of burglar bar installation. But look closely at the location and pattern of the bolts. It's a little bit different form the typical installation. Another important thing to size up is the hinges. What hinges you ask? Well the hinges covered by the "burglar proof" strip of metal running down the right side of course.

The picture below is a shot from the inside. You can see the metal reinforcement that corresponds to the bolt pattern we saw on the outside. It's similar to every other type of burglar bar installation, however, it just on the bottom of the door. They also added a small throw latch on the top of the door for additional security.

Below is a close-up of the burglar bar brackets. The burglar bar obviously drops in and spans from one side of the door frame to the other. This particular drop bar was made out of metal. The other thing to think about are those brackets... Those brackets stick out from the door about 10"- 12". This would create a significant trip hazard even when the door is opened.

A special thanks goes out to Lt. Bull for sharing these photos with us.